Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Week Five - Don't give up

You may think that I am writing these blogs for you.  (And of course, I am.)  But I am also writing these blogs for myself.  I need to keep reminding myself that the end result of healthy eating, will be a happier, healthier "Me".  But those old habits want to creep into my daily life.  Like a Labor Day party with friends bringing dishes, and fun mixed drinks.  Just one can't hurt, right?  And then one turns into two, and all restraint takes a back seat to fun. 

It's time for an attitude check. 
It's another new day. I don't have to be perfect, I just have to keep moving in a positive direction.

Focus on water, again.  Focus on healthy, quality foods.  MORE vegetables.  I did make this delicious Southwestern Vegetable Medley for my Labor Day party.  And it was really a hit.

Focus on tracking again with MyFitnessPal.

Focus on activity.  Sometimes all it takes it getting myself out the door.
Remind yourself, "You've got this, keep going."
Positive Self-talk is good. 

I love eating out, but cooking at home ensures that I know exactly what going into my meals and how much I am actually eating.  Did I say, more vegetables?  And less carbs.

Keep some healthy snacks around like nuts and fruit.  Fruit can satisfy a sweet tooth, but don't eat too much. 

Stop eating in front of the TV.  Be aware and mindful of the delicious food you're taking in. 

Instead of rewarding myself for walking three days in a row with a pizza and milkshake (which pretty much negates the work I've just put in), I will get a new outfit or buy a new book I've been wanting. 

Make sure we are sleeping well.  This usually isn't an issue with me, but lack of sleep certainly affects us in a number of negative ways.

Review possible ways to decrease or better handle stress in our life.

Take a multivitamin and probiotic every day.

I need to remember to be kind to myself and my body.  Have patience.   I know that I am still focused and not willing to quit this journey.  I need to focus on tweaking my lifestyle and making subtle changes to my daily routines.

Paula reminded me this week, "If you don't have the environment you want, go about creating it.  There are things we cannot control, but we can influence our environment and our circumstances.  We can change.  We can try new things.  And we can start right now, right where we are.  No matter our age or our circumstances."

It's possible

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