Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Shelly's Weight Loss Journey - Week Two - Determined

Are you taking this journey with me?

Have you noticed that the meals you're eating lately are leaving you feeling satisfied, but not stuffed?   When food tastes good, we tend to keep eating until we literally cannot take another bite.  We feel stuffed and bloated.  But not if we are measuring and eating the right portions.

Be mindful that the food we're eating is fuel for our body.
The same as fueling our car, we need premium fuel for our body.  We cannot put Banana Twinkies in our car's gas tank, and we should not try to fuel our body with Banana Twinkies either.  Our bodies just won't run as well.
Tell yourself, "I am only going to eat foods that will nourish my body."
Remember that eating healthy meals is important for every member of the family.

The Bottom Line
The best food plan is one you can live with long term.

Step One - Reduce your calories.  You lose one pound of weight when you burn 3,000 calories more than your body uses.  Most women need at least 1200 Calories per day to be healthy.

Step Two - Eat a diet rich in lean protein to keep from losing muscle mass.  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to get the nutrients your body needs.  Cut out all non-nutritious food choices.  (Such as alcohol, Shelly)  All calories are not created equal.

Step Three - Hydrate - Another good reason to drink WATER, did you know that sometimes thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger?  Drinking a glass of water before meals will help with not over-eating.

Step Four - Exercise multiple times per week.  Fifteen minutes of moderate-intensity exercise will help you burn approximately 100 calories.  So one hour, four days per week, will burn 1,600 calories per week.  This alone will help you lose approximately 1/2 pound per week.  Moderate exercise includes jogging, brisk walking, cycling, and swimming.

Another interesting fact is that when I went to Affirm Weight Management, they told me that my body burns approximately 1,700 calories per day without added activity.  So if I eat a 1,200 calorie diet, I am already 500 calories into my 3,000 needed to lose one pound.

PROGRESSThis week, I am down another 1 pound.  5 pounds total in two weeks.  Sometimes after we've been successful we may then get complacent.  Which is what may have happened to me this past week.  But I am still headed in the right direction.  It was still a successful week. I still journaled my food and walked.  I really am still excited and today starts a new week!  I've already got a date to walk today with my good friend, Phaedra.

How often do you weight yourself?
I tend to only weight myself when I’m consciously watching my food intake.  Lately, I have been weighing every day.  There is no right or wrong answer here. But absolutely weigh at least once a week at the same time of day for tracking purposes.
Many people I know weigh every day.  They say it is what keeps the scale from going up due to lack of attention. 
Others will tell you that you don’t need the scale because you can tell in your clothes.  Well, that is true too.  In fact, after losing just 5 pounds, this week my shorts, that were uncomfortably tight, now feel perfect on me.  What a great feeling that is!  I did not measure myself yet, like I suggested we do the very first week, but I am certain I must have gone down a full inch in my waist due to the way my pants are fitting.  And I WILL measure myself.

LeAnn’s favorite saying is, “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.”  Boy, isn’t that the truth?

I also walked three days at the Nature Center this week.  I was challenged getting up that last hill, but I am always glad when I complete walking the entire area.  This is another way to recognize that I’m reaching my goals.  That hill WILL get easier as I get stronger and not carrying as much weight on my frame.

This past week I consciously chose to "take a detour" and have my favorite meal from Tong's Thai with a couple of drinks.  I justified that I had the rest of the week to stay on track.
I knew that it would probably affect the scale the next morning and in fact it did.  This may happen because of salt or MSG.   Actually I journaled that meal to the best of my ability and found I was at 1539 calories for the day.  So I was at the high range of my allowance, but it still affected me with water retention.  When this happens, be sure to drink your water.

We are always going to want an opportunity to splurge and that is not a bad thing.   We must be able to enjoy a special meal from time to time.  Just remember to get back on the right road the next morning.  Never beat yourself up.

If you haven't done it yet, download MY Fitness Pal, a free App, to journal what you eat and keep you accountable.

Are you hungry just before bed? I eat dinner around 6:00 pm, so I find myself feeling hungry before I go to bed.  I was told to eat no more than 150 calories, if I must have something before bed. Sometimes I have a glass of milk.  Krista said she likes an avocado before bed if she’s feeling hungry.  I also might have a protein juice or protein bar. 

Paula reminded me this past Monday morning, “Appreciate how the little things become big things.  Big things don’t usually happen all at once.  It is one step, followed by another step, followed by another.  It is purposeful, but seldom big – all at once.  It is important to dream big – but work small.  It is in the small details, done persistently, that make big dreams happen.”

What are you doing differently today?

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