Friday, August 26, 2011

Eating Right When Eating on the Run

Are you always on the run? Do you never seem to have quite enough time
in the day? Sound familiar? Lack of time is a major reason why many people
give up eating right, but you don’t have to. In fact, healthy eating is more
important than ever when you’re trying to keep up with a hectic schedule.
A good diet helps your body withstand stress better. But as you’re hustling through your day, you’re probably not thinking about making your next meal a healthy one.
Skip the fast food restaurants.
Learn to eat more meals at home!

Your local Harter House supermarkets have great-tasting nutritional products available to put quick meals together. Foods, so tasty you’ll be wondering why you haven’t been eating this way your whole life. You can learn about products and how to prepare new recipes through many websites.
Make a date to spend 2 to 3 nights a week, at least, to have a good quality family dinner all together. Creating a pleasant mealtime environment is critical to getting children and adults alike to eat healthful foods. Structure and routine are important to all, so the best mealtime environment includes setting routines and having consistent meal times.
I have friends who dine out for nearly every meal: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm sure they have a good time and eat well, but this is an expensive habit. Some people don't eat at home because they don't know how to cook. It's easy to learn, though. And cooking is a skill that you can use for the rest of your life.

Cooking at home is an excellent way to save money. But if you’re accustomed to dining out for most meals, it can be a difficult transition. Fortunately, there’s plenty of help available on the web.
Some points:
1. Always start with a game plan. This is really the hardest step.
Your game plan can be simple (1 meal for 2 people), but it works best if the plan covers the basic angles (1 fish meal for 2 people with a vegetable side dish). Two quick ways to make this easy:
* designate a meat (or protein source) a night.
* buy whatever’s in season, and on sale at Harter House, and cook it up fresh whenever possible.
Monday: Pasta
Wednesday: Beef (make it special with a Dry aged Steak from Harter House.)
2. Recipe sources. Cookbooks are great; but I also use the internet a lot. I can type into google: “recipe beef 30 min” and I get several hundred thousand hits for recipes that take 30 minutes (or less) to prepare with beef. A search on “recipe heart healthy 30 min” gives me almost as many heart healthy main dishes.
Get your recipes as an early part of the game plan. Once you have an idea of all the ingredients you need, write them down and take the list with you to shop.
3. Buy fresh. Whenever possible buy the ingredient fresh or frozen rather than canned. The cheapest vegetables tend to be the ones in season, and also are the healthiest. The more of these you can squeeze into your meals, the better.

However you cook, get in the habit of buying the best ingredients at Harter House Supermarkets.

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