Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Week 13 - The Desire to Find a Way

Have you ever told yourself, I'll get started next week when I have time. A hundred “next weeks” later and you’re a couple of years down the same road, still getting the same tired results, wondering why you can’t break through, why things can’t be different.

Thoughts like;
"I really want ________, but I can’t because ________________."
"I would _____________, but then ___________ might happen."
"I really need to ______________, but I am too busy with ________ right now to make the change that would free me up and take me to the next level."
"What if _____________ happens – then what?"
"I don't have time to _________."

These patterns become like dead end roads we drive down regularly
The good news is – We can change it, starting right NOW. 
Step out of the role of "I can't do this", and into the role of "I am in charge".

We have to find the strength inside of us.  That PURPOSE.  That DRIVE that lives inside of us.

I was told, if I want one principle to gain success, it is:

THE DESIRE to FIND A WAY to make it happen… 

Because if you really have the DESIRE to FIND A WAY, you won’t be looking for ONE magical THING.

You’ll just be READY and WILLING to do whatever it takes to reach your goal.

When you really have the desire, you’ll be willing to LEARN whatever you need to learn to get there.

You’ll be willing to WORK however many hours you need to work to get there.

 You’ll be willing to KEEP GOING, when you hit rock bottom, when you suffer setbacks, when it seems impossible.

It’s that self-motivation that can only come when you have a powerful reason. A reason that drives everything you do.
 Find that PASSION inside you.

If our DESIRE to find a way is UNBREAKABLE 
, then it is only a MATTER OF TIME before we reach our definition of success. 

And yes, WE DEFINE success, no one else.
 What success is to another may not be what success is for you or me.


The real questions of success are:

Repeat to yourself every day:
LIFE won’t always go my way, 


Everything we want in life is waiting for us, AND SO MUCH MORE! It just requires a decision. It requires COURAGE to make that decision. It requires DEDICATION to commit to that decision. It requires sacrifice along the way. It requires STRENGTH most don’t have to see through all the challenges along the way.

It's time to take charge.

Start now and reap the benefits in 2020.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Week Twelve - Unstoppable

This was a good week!
I lost the 3 pound increase I had last week plus another half pound.  I am at 16.5 lbs down in 12 weeks (or 3 months.)

Isn't it funny how a good week vs. a bad week can sometimes depend completely on our food intake.
Which is another good reason to choose nutritious options.  It helps our attitude, mood, and overall self confidence.

I have said before that I will adopt the philosophy:
"I will not eat anything that isn't healthy, and beneficial to my overall health!"
I will eat to fuel my body.

To stay motivated I have thought a lot about WHY I want to lose weight.
I know health is at the top, but appearance is my best motivator.  I want to look good in my clothes.  I want to wear cute and fashionable outfits.  I want to look professional in my clothes.  And I don't want to be uncomfortable.
I want to be able to cross my legs while sitting.  (I can now)
I want to be able to bend over and paint my toenails.
And being able to wear my jeans!  I am fitting in my largest size jeans.  (I have more sizes to get into just waiting in my closet.)

Each time I see the scale go down (usually just a 1/2 pound) I have a feeling of accomplishment.

I have dieted my whole life and the bottom line (for me) is reducing my calorie intake.  Reducing Portion sizes.  Reducing the frequency of snacking. Remove completely the fried foods, desserts, sugars and all processed foods.

To stay really present I must write down what I am eating.  This isn't for the rest of my life.  It is for today!  It helps me measure my progress, I can identify my triggers and it does hold me more accountable.  I believe my weight gain last week was related to salt intake.  I was hungry and I ate a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers.  Bad choice, Shelly!

When I eat meals that includes a protein, a fat, and a low-card vegetable, I feel full much longer.
Also eating foods with more fiber is important.  This week I want to research recipes that incorporate high fiber foods.

I can always do better
I need more exercise.  (just walking)
I need more vegetables (fiber)
I need less alcohol.  (this week I had an amazing Orange Blossom Vesper Martini. I'll have to tell about that in a different blog.)

Lastly, look at the bright side.
I told my girlfriend this week to "Get over it".  Stop worrying.  It doesn't really matter.
Be grateful and count your blessings.  I also try to pass on my blessings. It feels really good to be able to give joy to someone else.
I want to laugh.  A good belly laugh burns calories too.  But it just makes us feel good.  And smile. Consciously remind yourself to smile.  Just that alone will put us in a better mood.  Be happy and spread joy.

Now let's reward ourselves with a new outfit, instead of a big fat meal.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week Eleven - Handling Disappointment

Stay Positive!
I have been dieting, eating less, journaling my food, and seeing my scale go down, for a full 11 weeks now.  I was at 16 lbs. down last week.  This week I gained 3 pounds overnight! and I have not yet seen it drop back down.  Wow.  I was shocked because I felt like I was not changing "that much" in my routine.   Was it a delayed reaction from traveling recently?  Were my choices really that bad?  I guess they were.

Obviously, I have been letting old habits sneak back in.  In reality, I was not focusing.  I can't tell you what I was eating differently, because I was getting very lazy journaling my food choices.  I wasn't focusing on adding more activity, and most of all, I don't think I have been drinking enough water.  I KNOW that I have not been drinking enough water.  And then there is the vegetables.  The vegetables that I'm not eating.

So that's it.  I wasn't doing what I know I need to be doing.  The crazy thing is that I feel it ALL in my belly.  My belly was actually starting to feel flatter.  I've noticed in the past, and again this time, that as I lose weight, my stomach seems to go down first just under my breasts, and then slowly going down into my mid section and then finally my lower belly, at my hips.   It has been noticeable and I have been SO excited feeling the changes.

It's time to get excited again.
It's time to revisit what it is that I really want.
I will not give up.  "Winners never quit and quitters never win."

I know you've heard it said before, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." 
It's SO TRUE!  
I have already been feeling "thin", as I am experiencing my clothes fitting loser.  When I eat the right portion sizes, I leave the table feeling satisfied, not like I need to unbutton my pants. 

I am being told that a plateau is a part of weight loss. (I know that)  And that it is an important part of the weight-loss process.  Sometimes the scale isn’t moving simply because your body is adjusting to change.  Fat-loss never occurs in 30 days or anything magical. It’s a process.

Prevention.com reminds us to;
Stay Hydrated
Don't feel pressured to eat your entire plate
Go Meatless at least once a week
Eat Wholesome foods, eliminate processed foods
Cook at home
Use Smaller plates for portion control
Limit distractions during meals.
Curb your sweet tooth.
Eliminate refined cards - avoid breads, crackers, cereals, pasta, and baked goods.  Choose whole grains.
Limit alcohol - or cut it out completely. ~ (ya, I know)
Add Fiber - 25 grams per day in the form of 3 servings each of fruits and vegetables.
Start stepping - improve your health, boost your mood.
Get enough zzz's
Get intimate.  Getting it on more often can serve as an excellent cardio workout while boosting your mood and lowering stress.
Build a support network - a workout buddy.
Keep track of your progress. Every day, every week, every month.  Also write down your feelings, challenges, and setbacks.
Stock up on healthy snacks
Cathy and Michele - 2011
Focus on lean protein.
Consider high-intensity interval training
Meal Prep - Make a double batch for busy weeknights.
Avoid snacking at night
Sign up for a 5-K run/walk.
Eat a healthy breakfast every morning.
Combat stress.  meditate, walk, take a relaxing bath, listen to soothing music, exercise.
Bike to the office.
Don't sit still

"If you fall off the horse, get right back on it."

Remember, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 10 - Mindfulness

Mindfulness means focusing on the present moment.
Mindful eating is taking the time to stop and really focus on and enjoy your food.

I want to think of food more as sustenance, but eating for me has always been a source of gratification; it's a social activity; it's a reward.  It's a comfort to my thoughts and feelings.  It all comes into play where food is concerned.  I want a higher level of consciousness.  I want to continue to learn and have a greater understanding of how food affects my body.  I want to be aware and mindful with my choices.  

There is still no question in my mind that we each have the potential to achieve our goals by putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward.

We will Persevere. 
Losing weight is really hard to do, and many people fail many times before they succeed. I won't give up and don't you give up either.  Each day, commit to eating a little bit less, reducing our calorie intake. If we get off track, recommit the following day and just keep at it over time.

Last week I was in Washington state and Victoria, Canada.  As far as eating while on vacation, I did fair.  I still consumed too many high calorie beverages, but I tried to make really healthy food choices, choosing several seafood options and eating smaller portions. I enjoyed the occasional hot buttered roll.  I was also able to walk more than I do normally.   After returning home, my scale was exactly the same. Then two days after traveling home, my scale dropped another pound.    

Perhaps I could have consumed less calories while on vacation, but rather, I chose to indulge at times.  Without taking a backwards course, I am still committed to pursuing my weight loss goals.

Yesterday has passed and tomorrow has not yet arrived.  Today is what is important.  This moment in time.

Recommit, Decide.  No matter what, we are going to do this. Continue to pull your strategies together to prepare your path versus just going with the flow.  Refocusing on this decision will boost  motivation, trigger our imagination, and inspire us with new ideas.

The power of possibility.  Don't let time or resources dictate your choices. It is possible for me to walk 30 minutes each day.  Just do it.  Physical exertion always triggers a positive mental change for me. Exercise is the best medicine.  Don't sit so much.  While I'm on the phone, I can stand up and walk around. When watching TV, I can stand and pace during commercials. Instead of sitting at my makeup table, stand up. In general, I will strive to get on my feet every 30 minutes.
Take a look at what else you can do.

Envision. Have intention.  Mind over matter.  We can impact our life by what we believe is possible.  If you truly believe it is possible, you're half way there.  Never give up on what you want to achieve. "Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses. On your powers, instead of your problems." -- Paul J Meyer

Believe that you can.  The first person you have to convince is yourself.  When our choices demonstrate our commitments, we are able to access a deep well of confidence that is inside of us all.  Choose to face every event with a positive mental attitude.

Be proactive.  Tackle the unexpected twists and turns of life as they come, but don't let them impede on your focus.  "If you don't see, in your mind's eye, a picture of yourself winning - then you won't win; And not because you can't." -- Summer Sanders

Stay present to this moment.  Awareness itself will help us to consider what’s possible before aggravation can takeover and overturn our resolve.

"Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success".
Olympic National Park
- Swami Sivananda.
We attended the wedding of Hannah and Kyke Kutz

Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park
The Falls we hiked to.

Lake Crescent

Michele and Cathy in Victoria, Canada

The Empress Hotel, Victoria

Finn's Seafood Restaurant, Victoria

Finn's Seafood Restaurant

We visited Craigdarroch Castle, Victoria

We visited Butchart Gardens, Canada

  Butchart Gardens

 Butchart Gardens

Breakfast at the Victoria Regency Hotel

Seafood Nachos at Nautical Nellies Restaurant